Secondary Containment Leak Detection | Ls600-Ld Float Actuated Leak Sensor

Product Description

The LS600-LD float-actuated leak sensor provides secondary containment leak detection for above ground and underground storage tank applications. The sensor assembly may be suspended at the desired point of actuation via the sensor cable and
compression fitting, or allowed to rest at the bottom of the containment area being monitored. The compact size and favorable
displacement properties of the LS600-LD make it ideal for monitoring shallow liquid levels. The LS600-LD Leak Switch is available with a Buna N or stainless steel float for monitoring in most petrochemical and chemical storage tank applications. The
LS600-LD optionally supports Pneumercator’s FAULT-DETECT supervised wiring technology, which automatically detects field wiring faults when connected with a TMS series controller


• Containment, Manway and Piping Sumps
• Turbine Enclosure
• Dispenser Pan
• Double-Wall Steel Tank


• Technology: Magnetic Float, Hermetically Sealed Reed Switch
• Wetted Materials: Float:Buna-N (BN, SN), 316SS (SS)
Housing: 316SS and Nylon, (316SS and Teflon for SS)
Stem: Brass, (316SS for SN, SS)
• Cable: 22AWG, 2-Conductor, 25’ Length, PVC-jacketed, (Teflon-jacketed for SS)
• Operating Temperature: -20º to +175ºF (-30º to +80º C), -40º to +220ºF (-40º to +100º C) for SS
• Pass-thru Opening Size: Minimum 1-1/2” NPT, (2” NPT for SS)
• Location Approval*: UL Class I, Div 1, Groups C and D; cUL Class I, Zone 0, Group IIB


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